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Sell Ripple (XRP) for EUR with Bank transfer SEPA

Currency rates
  • Currency iconBTC
    57882.40 USD
  • Currency iconETH
    2287.28 USD
  • Currency iconLTC
    62.31 USD
  • Currency iconXRP
    0.58 USD
  • Currency iconBCH
    311.87 USD
  • Currency iconLINK
    10.48 USD
  • Currency iconUSDC
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconDAI
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconPAXG
    2590.65 USD
  • Currency iconBAT
    0.17 USD
  • Currency iconGNO
    146.08 USD
  • Currency iconOMG
    0.30 USD
  • Currency iconMLN
    14.32 USD
  • Currency iconUSDT
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconBAL
    1.77 USD
  • Currency iconCOMP
    42.43 USD
  • Currency iconCRV
    0.26 USD
  • Currency iconKNC
    0.42 USD
  • Currency iconOXT
    0.07 USD
  • Currency iconSTORJ
    0.37 USD
  • Currency iconSNX
    1.33 USD
  • Currency iconUSDT TRC20
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconTRX
    0.15 USD
Currency icon

Ripple XRP

What is this?

XRP - is a real-time gross ѕеttlеmеnt ѕуѕtеm (RTGS), сurrеnсу exchange аnd rеmіttаnсе nеtwоrk by Ripple. Alѕо called thе Rіррlе Transaction Prоtосоl (RTXP) or Rіррlе рrоtосоl, іt is buіlt uроn a dіѕtrіbutеd ореn ѕоurсе Intеrnеt рrоtосоl, соnѕеnѕuѕ.

How to sell XRP and withdraw money on Visa or MasterCard?

So how is it possible to sell Ripple on our platform with Visa or Mastercard? Let’s define our steps and start the process! The first step is going to be the creation of the user’s profile- just get registered in our project. Secondly, you need to get through the necessary process of your data verification. Both personal and billing. It shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes. In separate cases, it may take up to 12 hours. But, hopefully, it will avoid you.
In order to pass the process of verification your online wallet needs to be valid and reliable. Your international passport or a copy of your ID card may be required. Once your personal and billing information is verified you can immediately start buying, exchanging or selling Ripple online on our platform!

How to sell

  • Registration

    Create your own account on the site.

  • Verification

    Pass your profile verification. This steep is obligatory.

  • Wallet

    You should have a valid and trusted wallet.

  • That’s all

    Start to buy, sell or exchange your crypto.

You only need to enter your email and password, no additional data. Instant registration.

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