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Sell Tron (TRX) for EUR with Bank transfer SEPA

Currency rates
  • Currency iconBTC
    57799.50 USD
  • Currency iconETH
    2287.05 USD
  • Currency iconLTC
    62.30 USD
  • Currency iconXRP
    0.58 USD
  • Currency iconBCH
    311.87 USD
  • Currency iconLINK
    10.48 USD
  • Currency iconUSDC
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconDAI
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconPAXG
    2590.65 USD
  • Currency iconBAT
    0.17 USD
  • Currency iconGNO
    146.08 USD
  • Currency iconOMG
    0.30 USD
  • Currency iconMLN
    14.32 USD
  • Currency iconUSDT
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconBAL
    1.77 USD
  • Currency iconCOMP
    42.43 USD
  • Currency iconCRV
    0.26 USD
  • Currency iconKNC
    0.42 USD
  • Currency iconOXT
    0.07 USD
  • Currency iconSTORJ
    0.37 USD
  • Currency iconSNX
    1.33 USD
  • Currency iconUSDT TRC20
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconTRX
    0.15 USD
Currency icon

Tron (TRX)

What is this?

Tron (TRX) is a blockchain-based cryptocurrency founded by Justin Sun in 2017. It aims to create a decentralized ecosystem for content sharing and entertainment. Tron is known for its high scalability, handling over 2,000 transactions per second, making it suitable for real-time applications. It offers low transaction fees, making it ideal for microtransactions and everyday use.
Tron boasts a robust developer community, fostering a growing ecosystem of decentralized applications (DApps) including DeFi platforms, gaming apps, and more. TRX, Tron`s native cryptocurrency, plays a pivotal role within the network, used for staking, governance, and transactions. Tron has forged strategic partnerships and acquisitions in the crypto industry, expanding its influence.
In summary, Tron (TRX) is a fast, cost-effective, and scalable blockchain designed for decentralized content and entertainment applications. Its active community, diverse DApp ecosystem, and strategic alliances position it as a cryptocurrency with growth potential, though careful research is essential for potential investors.

Our platform provides a well-rounded blend of these elements, featuring a user-friendly interface, competitive rates, cost-effective fees, and lightning-fast transaction processing. Utilizing our service, you can seamlessly convert your cryptocurrency into your bank account through secure SEPA/SWIFT transfers or withdraw fiat currency to your Skrill or Neteller account.

How to sell Tron and withdraw money to a SEPA bank account?

You will have to register on the site in order to perform any operation.

1. Create a profile;
2. Complete the verification process;
3. Please provide details of a valid wallet;
4. Now you can exchange;
5. All operations are saved in ‘Transaction history’.

The site online calculator will help you check the EUR amount you will receive for a certain sum of cryptocurrency. Our service allows transactions with a SEPA transfer.
We offer affordable fees:
• Processing fee: 5 EUR;
• Service fee: 5%;
During one transaction you can sell an amount of Tron equivalent to 50 EUR to 10000 EUR

How to sell

  • Registration

    Create your own account on the site.

  • Verification

    Pass your profile verification. This steep is obligatory.

  • Wallet

    You should have a valid and trusted wallet.

  • That’s all

    Start to buy, sell or exchange your crypto.

You only need to enter your email and password, no additional data. Instant registration.

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