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Sell Bitcoin (BTC) for EUR with Bank transfer SEPA

Currency rates
  • Currency iconBTC
    57807.50 USD
  • Currency iconETH
    2287.32 USD
  • Currency iconLTC
    62.29 USD
  • Currency iconXRP
    0.58 USD
  • Currency iconBCH
    311.75 USD
  • Currency iconLINK
    10.48 USD
  • Currency iconUSDC
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconDAI
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconPAXG
    2593.85 USD
  • Currency iconBAT
    0.17 USD
  • Currency iconGNO
    146.08 USD
  • Currency iconOMG
    0.30 USD
  • Currency iconMLN
    14.32 USD
  • Currency iconUSDT
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconBAL
    1.77 USD
  • Currency iconCOMP
    42.43 USD
  • Currency iconCRV
    0.26 USD
  • Currency iconKNC
    0.42 USD
  • Currency iconOXT
    0.07 USD
  • Currency iconSTORJ
    0.37 USD
  • Currency iconSNX
    1.32 USD
  • Currency iconUSDT TRC20
    1.00 USD
  • Currency iconTRX
    0.15 USD
Currency icon

Bitcoin (BTC)

What is this?

Every day Bitcoin comes into our life more and more tightly. Some countries have already given the official status to BTC. So, it is already possible to pay with virtual coins in cafes and restaurants, pay rent and even utilities in Belarus, the USA, Canada, Japan and other countries.
BTC is easy to buy today. But with the growth of e-currency, people are increasingly asking: “How to cash out Bitcoins?” There are several ways to transfer your cryptocurrency savings into fiat money - sale on the stock exchange, exchangers, individual deals. It is important for someone to get dollars, euros or rubles (any fiat currency into which BTC can be converted) as quickly as possible. For the sake of speed, he can even donate a certain amount. The other can wait, just not to overpay the extra money. That is why we cannot speak objectively which of the available methods is better. Everyone must decide for themselves which option of cashing suits him more.
Our service offers a good combination of an attractive rate, fee and operation time.

How to sell Bitcoin withdraw money on Visa or MasterCard?

To be able to make any operation on our site you need to sign up following simple steps:

How to sell

  • Registration

    Create your own account on the site.

  • Verification

    Pass your profile verification. This steep is obligatory.

  • Wallet

    You should have a valid and trusted wallet.

  • That’s all

    Start to buy, sell or exchange your crypto.

What commission is charged for making an exchange?

BTCBIT.NET charges a certain fee for each transaction.
The following commissions:
Bank commission: 2.5% + 3 EUR / 3.5 USD
Company commission: 0.5%
Bank transfer: 0%
Network commission: Depends on the currency you choose

You only need to enter your email and password, no additional data. Instant registration.

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