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Ripple Sold $535 Million in XRP Last Year

According to the report, Ripple sold a total of $ 535.56 million in XRP tokens for 2018 as a whole. Of this figure, $ 171 million more than $ 363 million dollars from third-party market makers.
As for the fourth quarter of 2018, Ripple reports that it sold 129.03 million worth of XRP. This figure is over 20 percent less than the figure of the quarter which stood at $ 163.33 million.
One of the most common causes of direct sales by Ripple II; licensed money transmitting arm. In Q4 2018, Ripple II sold $ 40.15 million, less than half the sales figure for Q3 2018 ($ 98.06 million).
The report also showed an increase in programmatic XRP sales (via third-party market makers). Ripple recorded programmatic XRP sales to the tune of $88.88 million in Q4 2018 compared to $65.27 million in the previous quarter.
Category: General
Date: 29.01.2019 08:22

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