Litecoin Foundation and Beam Cooperation Announcement

1 min
Litecoin Foundation and Beam Cooperation Announcement
The Litecoin Foundation has approached Beam about possible cooperation to implement Mimblewimble via Extension Blocks on Litecoin.
One of Beam’s goals is to advance privacy in cryptocurrency space and promote Mimblewimble protocol, and we are glad to provide Litecoin Foundation with our help and expertise.
We have started exploration towards adding privacy and fungibility to Litecoin by allowing on-chain conversion of regular LTC into a Mimblewimble variant of LTC and vice versa. Upon such conversion, it will be possible to transact with Mimblewimble LTC in complete confidentiality.
It is our joint intention to publish any and all the work done as part of the project under a permissive open source license to let the community benefit from it.

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