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100 Bitcoin Users Perform What Might Be Largest ‘CoinJoin’ Transaction Ever

The community behind the privacy-centric bitcoin app Wasabi Wallet recently brought together 100 people to collectively execute a “CoinJoin” transaction on bitcoin in what might be the biggest event of its kind.
At 100 transactions, Wasabi Wallet’s effort might be the biggest, but it’s certainly an advancement for the privacy tech as a whole.
“There wasn’t any service created to do such large CoinJoins,” zkSNACKS CTO Adam Fiscor told CoinDesk, which launched Wasabi Wallet last year to make CoinJoin transactions easier to use. Fiscor did add one small caveat that it’s “possible” that Blockchain’s SharedCoin has done one as large, “but I’m not sure if it’s relevant.”
Category: Bitcoin
Date: 13.06.2019 11:19

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